ARC-1061 (XL) Fireside Chemical
Fire Side Additive Fire Side additive For Boiler Fireside corrosion damage often occurs on a boiler that is in cold standby that has previously fired sulfur-laden fuels. There are inevitably areas of the boiler where ash is not removed from the tube surface during normal soot blower operation. One of […]
ARC-DS 1018 Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor
Condensate Treatment ARC-DS 1018 Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor Condensate Treatment What causes corrosion in steam condensate systems? Carbon dioxide and oxygen cause most condensate system corrosion. Carbon dioxide, dissolved in condensed steam, forms corrosive carbonic acid. If oxygen is present with carbon dioxide, the corrosion rate is much […]
ARC-1017 (II) XL Hydrazine Based Oxygen Scavenger
Oxygen Scavenger ALBATROSS ARC-1017 XL ARC-1017 (I) XL & ARC-1017 (II) XL Oxygen Scavenger An Ideal Solution to prevent Corrosion Problem in Boiler PROBLEM CORROSION Corrosion occurs when metals (by acid or electrolytic action) attack metals. The metal is eaten away similar to the generalized rusting of an […]
ARC-1017 (I) (XL) Oxygen Scavanger
Oxygen Scavenger ALBATROSS ARC-1017 XL ARC-1017 (I) XL & ARC-1017 (II) XL Oxygen Scavenger An Ideal Solution to prevent Corrosion Problem in Boiler PROBLEM CORROSION Corrosion occurs when metals (by acid or electrolytic action) attack metals. The metal is eaten away similar to the generalized rusting of an […]
ARC-DS 1015 Dispersant
Scale Preventive for Boiler Albatross ARC-101 Range ARC-1011, 1012, 1013, 1015 Used as Scale Preventive & Sludge Conditioner in boiler An Ideal Solution to prevent Scaling Problems in Boiler PROBLEM SCALE Scale is an extremely hard substance created when mineral salts come out of solution as […]
Alkalinity Builder ARC-DS 1014 pH BOOSTER FOR A VARIETY OF WATER SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION: ARC-DS 1014 is a concentrated liquid blend of alkaline materials designed for use in systems containing waters of low pH and low hardness. Primary application to acidic influent water will stabilize pH within the proper […]
ARC-DS 1013 Dispersant For Normal Conditions
Scale Preventive for Boiler Albatross ARC-101 Range ARC-1011, 1012, 1013, 1015 Used as Scale Preventive & Sludge Conditioner in boiler An Ideal Solution to prevent Scaling Problems in Boiler PROBLEM SCALE Scale is an extremely hard substance created when mineral salts come out of solution as […]
ARC-1012 (XL) Scale Preventive & Sludge Conditioner
Albatross ARC-101 XL Range ARC-1011 XL, 1012 XL, 1013 XL, 1015 XL Used as Scale Preventive & Sludge Conditioner in boiler An Ideal Solution to prevent Scaling Problems in Boiler PROBLEM SCALE Scale is an extremely hard substance created when mineral salts come out of solution as […]
ARC-DS 1011 Scale Preventive & Sludge Conditioner
Albatross ARC-101 XL Range ARC-1011 XL, 1012 XL, 1013 XL, 1015 XL Used as Scale Preventive & Sludge Conditioner in boiler An Ideal Solution to prevent Scaling Problems in Boiler PROBLEM SCALE Scale is an extremely hard substance created when mineral salts come out of solution as […]